Tuesday 5 November 2013

Fibonacci Series!

If you are a Math enthusiast, I'm sure that you have heard about the mighty and mysterious Fibonacci Series. It is as difficult as understanding it, to understand its implementation in a programming language. But the program is surprisingly simple! I'm not going to explain the working, because, it is complicated. But if you have a good logical quotient, you can understand it with ease. Such a program is one of a kind. So just keep at it to understand it!

Here is the code
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void main()
    long int first_no = 0, sec_no = 1, counter, next_term, no_of_terms;
    cout<<"Enter the number of terms you want : ";
    cout<<"\nRequired series is : "<<endl;
    for(counter = 0; counter < no_of_terms; counter++)
          next_term = counter;
          next_term = first_no + sec_no;
          first_no = sec_no;
          sec_no = next_term;

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